Tuesday, October 12, 2021

ErasmusDays 2021



Celebramos los ErasmusDays con estos videos y posters que los estudiantes de  Polonia, Croacia, Eslovenia y España han realizado para presentarnos sus proyecto y darnos  su opinión sobre él.

We  celebrate the  ErasmusDays with  these videos and posters that students from Poland, Croatia, Slovenia and Spain have made to present their project and give their opinion about it.

Tudi slovenska šola obeležuje dan, ki je posvečen projektom Erasmus. Učenci so pripravili interaktiven poster z različnimi vsebinami in kratek filmček. Vabljeni k ogledu!

The Slovenian school has also commemorated Erasmus Day by preparing an interactive poster with different content and a short video.You are welcome to explore it at the link below: