Hoy hemos estado en el colegio donde los alumnos han trabajado en 3 talleres diferentes.
Today we have been at school where the four international groups of students have been working in three different workshops:
Fabricación de almohadillas (Head coil ) que eran utilizadas para transportar cestas de frutas sobre la cabeza y otros productos.
Making “head coils” which were used to carry baskets of fruit, vessels of
oil, water... by women on their heads.
Beekeeping workshop: During this hour, we learn how to decorate pieces of wood with a great
variety of colourful daily agricultural sceneries and how to build the hives so that the bees could
identify their own ones. We have also been shown the techniques which are normally used to elaborate the final product
(the honey) which has been finally tasted by most of the participants of this interesting workshop.
En otro de los talleres se han fabricado rosarios (rosary) hechos de ramas de viñas que tradicionalmente se hacen para celebrar San Martín el 11 de Noviembre, patrón del vino.
Production and assembly of “rosaries” which were traditionally made of olive tree small
branches to celebrate S. Martin’s Day on 11th November,
In the afternoon, the official farewell takes place where the hosting families can attend. In addition,
they show their knowledge of their own area by playing a kahoot with questions that their
Slovenian children can also help answer after having learnt about Brda region throughout the last
few weekdays.
During these relaxing moments, the Spanish teachers have the chance to ask the hosting families
about their experience and relationships with our own students. All of them agreed that this
interchange activity has been worth enough to repeat it again.
Then, the students who had done the best advertisment to promote one of the Brad cellars receive a
gift from the school.
Afterwards, all the participantes in the Erasmus project pick up their own assistant certificates.
Eventually they can enjoy the snacks and sweets that our Slovenian friends had taken to school.
The final day comes and it’s time to say goodbye with some tears in our faces but also planning the
near future meeting in Spain.
Thanks to the school OŠ Alojza Gradnika Dobrovo, its families, students and teachers for their
warm welcoming, hospitality and great effort they have made in few days to show their culture
and traditions as well as as their natural and architectural richness among its villages and landscapes.
It has been a worthy and never-to-be-forgotten experience!